Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It was good to have a lie-in this morning - I didn't start moving until after 8:30 except for cat feeding and insulin shots at 6 - and while I would normally have stayed up and pottered, I realised that it is likely to be a late night tonight (we're off to see Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons at The Big House) and that I needed to get more kip if I wasn't going to fall asleep there!

But even with the later start we were still in time for Breakfast at Bumbles. And we had timed it well - as we pulled into a parking spot across the road from Bumbles, S noticed there were apiary activities happening on their roof. Ahh ... she said... no wonder it's got pictures of bees on the cafe awnings and as a (recurring) motif. As we were nearing the end of a very yummy breakfast, Kate, the owner, brought some honeycomb around - which we had on toast. It was extra yummy because it was so fresh.

We called into Pacific Fair on the way back to Highlands Park (and the voting booth - State Election today) to get me a hair cut (long overdue) and to have a bit of a walk to wear off some of breakfast. As S was having a wander, she passed The Coffee Club where Mouse and M were having a coffee - and as S was telling me this when we were in the Food Hall later, Mouse hurried past on her way home She's not a starter for the Markets tomorrow; she's off down the Coast to a Christening!

Hard work done (voting), I settled in for some yard work - determined to get rid of that pile of branches and leaves so I could ROM all of the yard. I was going to let Pearl help - since she couldn't go with M who was mowing the paddock below the garage - but once I realised that while she was well-intentioned she was actually more a hindrance, I popped her inside - and S reports that she did watch out through the back windows for a while before putting herself away for a nap.

Then yard work done, it was time for some fun - Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons! It was a great night and I am still humming (okay, singing) some of the songs. I haven't heard so many of those old classics in such a short space of time for goodness knows how long. As someone we were talking with upstairs afterwards said "and they say they haven't built a time machine!" Excellent. (Thanks again for taking me M.)

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