Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It was a lovely weekend but all good things must come to an end - so it was back to work today - so we can start getting ready for the next one . . . and we're not necessarily talking about the next game of trivia here - although, come to think of it, I don't think we do have any plans for the coming weekend yet - and even though the Toowoomba Show is on, I don't think we will be starters this year!

Even though the day was pretending to be fine and sunny, we did have some rain - just as well we ROM'd yesterday - but there's still another pile of rubbish to be loaded into the trailer for the dump - once we get rid of the full load that's already there. The other pile (up near the stables) may be a bit tricky though - the local wildlife has had a chance to make it their own and I'm a little worried about who we might find living in there! We know there are going to be toads and spiders and other creepy-crawlies (gloves definitely!) but I'm more worried about slitherins having moved in. Of course, there has been a suggestion that the pile could be burned where it is and that might have been an option if a lovely, healthy banana tree hadn't taken root there and appear to be thriving. And there would still be the issue of snakes - and I definitely wouldn't want to be there when they smelled smoke!

M stayed home to do the furries this evening while S and I went in to Southport RSL for another round of Trivia. F came too, as well as S, N and her sister who had just flown in today from France (talk about keen - or possibly not being given a choice). It was a fun evening although, coming in 6th, we are now starting to understand how competitive F is! And how disappointed he gets when we don't even place! (I do too, but I'm not as competitive as he is although, according to S, I am as dogged and determined!)

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