Sunday, March 18, 2012


I was faced with a dilemma before I set off for work this morning. When I went in for my shower, I noticed one of the cats had coughed up a fur ball and some clear fluid just near the bathroom door - inside the bathroom. It wasn't that much of a stretch to think that if I hadn't looked down when I had gone in, I wouldn't have seen it. My dilemma - to clear it up as a responsible person would or go with the "it's my birthday (so I don't have to do anything I don't want to)" defence. As luck would have it, S chanced along and I outlined my dilemma - knowing (or was that "hoping") that she would say something like "don't worry, it's your birthday, why don't you make an early start and have a nice leisurely coffee and toast at Zarraffas". In retrospect it was good for me to clean it up, and S did offer which was enough under the circumstances. It didn't take that long and I still made it to Zarraffas for breakfast - with a warm feeling because I had been able to do a good deed before 6am!

The work day was fairly ordinary and it was a relief to finally leave for home - knowing that trivia was only a few short hours away. The Markets crowd had agreed to come along to trivia at the Advancetown Hotel (our usual Thursday night haunt) to help celebrate my birthday and I was very much looking forward to being part of a team with people who knew more about contemporary music and sports than S or I - and given our limited knowledge in these areas, we were sure it wouldn't be hard! Of course, we had no way of knowing A would be so wonderful at identifying "celebrities" in the picture questions! That was an added bonus! Not to mention birthday cake - and really there was no need for anyone to suggest there were a few candles missing from the top of the cake when it came out! It was a wonderful evening - and not just because we tied for first and then were awarded first because it was my birthday and because the other team still needed to be handicapped 6 points for their last week's win! I think everyone (thanks for coming!) had a good time and it will be interesting to see if they want to front up again next Thursday evening for trivia.

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