Wednesday, March 7, 2012


You have to love Hump Day! Only two days of the working week left - not that I'm trying to wish it away, but some weeks are best put behind us .... such is/are Cost Report weeks. But it's better to be busy than not - that's what they say anyway. And it's fine and warm this afternoon so one can't really ask for more - well, you could but that would just be being greedy.

I'm meeting S at Zarraffa's after work. I'll buy her a coffee, actually any drink of her choice, to celebrate our 22nd anniversary. And show her the Facebook post, likes and comments.

She and M have been off having a busy day - the last I heard it was starting with Spotlight, then Ferry Road (for breakfast), then Bingo at Southport RSL and then, if it's like their usual Wednesdays, they will1 have lunch with Mouse somewhere before making their way back to Latimers. It's a busy schedule! But the good news is that I received a three-letter text from S which assured me she'd had a good time at Bingo: WAG. Translated it means: Winners are grinners. Both she and M had won something but, alas, Mouse missed out again. They did go to lunch with Mouse and for a moment it looked like Mi might join them as well but, in the end, she texted to let them know she had a better offer - she was going to Versace instead with F, M and E. Hopefully it was to celebrate her NATI - her translator accreditation. Congratulations Mi! We knew you could do it!

The road patches seem to be holding which came as a bit of a surprise - which has just reminded me of the driving exhibition I saw in Nerang this morning - it serves as a reminder that you never know what type of idiot you are going to see on the road: within 200 metres he had tailgated, overtaken on double unbroken lines and gone through a red light. Is anything worth that type of risk?

Pearl watched lifestyle programs with us tonight - my gift to S (watching lifestyle programs with her - not Pearl), and we'll go out for a proper anniversary celebration on Saturday (when it's not a school night)! But the point about Pearl is that she jumped up onto the couch first time, no problem at all: M's fitness regimen for her really seems to be working!

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