Monday, May 2, 2011


The nest builders are back! According to M they came back yesterday. They have made good progress although they still have a way to go. Nature and instinct are amazing things when you think about it - how else would birds know how to stick dirt and other bits and bobs they've found around the place to walls in the right shape to form a nest that will be strong enough to support eggs and the mother and father bird over the course of the doings - from conception (?) to when the chicks fly the nest. Life truly is wonderful.
L was saying there is a colony of Kookaburras down the back near the creek and one, a magnificent specimen of a bird, was perched on the paddock gate over looking the one-day-to-be-a-big-vegetable garden area when we arrived home yesterday. Alas, by the time I got the telephoto lens on the camera, the kookaburra had been called by the others and flew off to join them. Just as well S pointed that bit out or I may have blamed Pearl who had romped over there after greeting us.
I was reminded today that people value things differently. Some years age - make that many - the place where I worked had placed an old but still working kerosene heater on the footpath with a sign saying "free". No-one took it. Hours later, not wanting to bring it inside again, someone thought to replace the sign with one saying $10 which we did; but then thought it might be seen as overpriced. We needn't have worried. When we went back out - after only a couple of minutes - the heater was gone. Which brings me back to today or the way to get a post-mow coffee (yes, the mowing has finally been done) I noticed someone along the way had put out a wooden bookcase with a $80 sign. Was it still there because it was too big to easily take away? Or are people not in the market for a place to keep books anymore?
It was Labour Day today so we had a fairly quiet day - which is not t say we didn't do chores, because we did, and we did them well. And as we made the bed, we put an extra doona on as the temperature is supposed to drop tonight, and stay cool for the next few nights. It has been a bit cooler in the mornings and it may be time to think about not wearing shorts to work - although that may be a decision for later in the week.