Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's good to be back at Latimers after a short break away in Toowoomba. It was raining on the drive back this afternoon but it wasn't too bad and it would have done no good to complain as there was a double rainbow and they/it were/was brilliant against the dark grey sky. Just a pity there was no where to pull up to truly appreciate it for longer.
S & M had also seen a double rainbow when they were driving back from Murwillumbah where they had gone to the local Art Gallery there. It was a day trip and they took Mouse as well. Not Pearl though but they had been to Coffee Sisters with her, and then taken her for a big walk in the park.
On their travels, they found a self-service roadside fruit stand where they found bananas for $3.99/kg and apples for $1.99 - truly a bargain. They also found a bicycle race - and it was because of this (missing their turn) that they found the fruit. I went for vegetables instead - actually just a bag of Sprengers Stock carrots (plus liquorice allsorts and roasted peanuts) on my way back.
Emma went back on insulin today - a reduced dose until we're sure she's okay. She seems to be okay with it - in fact, she's probably even a little brighter than she has been- and is champing at the bit to get outside. She does appear to have missed the company today and is spending a lot of time with us this evening.