Monday, May 23, 2011


The rain continues. this is good (except for not being able to mow) although it does amaze me how much rain can fall.
Emma is still not terribly well but we aren't quite sure what to do with her. She is off her food today but has been drinking - and everything else seems to be working - so we'll continue to monitor her and if she gets worse we'll take her to the vet and see what they have to say about her "unwell" episodes. It would perhaps be easier to have an idea of what's happening with her if it was consistent. Poor her.
The Markets were good although Mouse was saying that it had been so busy in the seating area when she arrived that she'd had to wait 20 minutes to get a table and then a while longer to get another table and some extra chairs. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on whether you had had breakfast, there were few (read: no) homemade goodies on the table this morning - although A had brought along some dates and we got some warmed croissants as well. But Mouse did send us home with Kristoli (that's not the right spelling - but how do you find the right spelling in the dictionary if you don't know how to spell it?) and we're still working on finishing last week's banana cake - nice enough to share but too nice to give away!
Post-Markets we went off to Robina in search of an electric toothbrush and while I was unsuccessful, S did manage to get some more long-sleeved shirts for work and a book she has been after for a while. Then, shopping done, we had lunch a very yummy and satisfying lunch at Robina Yum Cha. It's certainly becoming more popular as people find out about it - and it wasn't a bad thing to have a 15-minute break and just watch the world go by. Now what I want to know is - what are the teenagers wearing? And did they always travel in packs?
Movie recommendations are a wonderful thing - and while M was out and S was engaged in other activities, I finally caught up with "How to Train Your Dragon" which is as fantastic as The Great K and M suggested. Wonder what the chances are of them doing a sequel? And it was good too because I now understand that it really is a term of endearment when nephew P refers to his sister as a "useless reptile".
Recent good behaviour by the furry persons in the house has gone out the window - as in, neither Tink nor Maggie came in promptly when called this evening. Beasley was already snuggled up in his bed from quite early on - and wasn't budging for much. Pearl's bed was outside in the living room with us so she could relax when she wasn't sitting quietly next to S waiting for some of her dinner to fall her way. And speaking of dinner - S tried out a new soup recipe this evening - mushroom - which I fear I was not appreciative enough about - but only because mushroom is not one of my favourite flavours. It is good that she tries new and interesting things though ... thanks S!