Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Everyone was back on deck today - and I managed to stay awake for the whole day without even a hint of napping. It was a good day at work with the arrival of my Global Corporate Challenge kit which included two pedometers (not to be worn at the same time - truly the instructions do say that), a backpack - which will work very well for my photography kit, a cap (can never have too many caps) and a water bottle thrown in by our company for hydration for good measure. The challenge starts next week and I've started wearing the pedometer today to get used to it - and will compare it with the results from my usual pedometer tomorrow.
Pearl is still on sleepover with Nana and Sox and I was more than a little disappointed that no-one came rushing outside and at least pretending to bark. I probably wouldn't have noticed if they did because I was sitting in the car waiting for a piece to come on the radio ... the DJs had been promising it for at least twenty minutes as I was driving home and only started playing the clip of (was it?) Matt Moran of MasterChef having a go at someone behind the scenes of the show about throwing perfectly good food away. In the end, it all seemed like a beat-up. (Actually a put-on to highlight charities that help provide people in need with food.)
We all caught up over a cuppa and recapped our days. S and M have survived another day on the telephones and have the same level of enthusiasm for returning tomorrow as they did today.
M has gone out this evening and says if she runs into any kind of good fortune then she and S may not have to go to work tomorrow. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't included in the list of people who would not have to go to work tomorrow but I suppose on some level they know that I don't mind it most days.
D aka The Great K rang this evening to say that he was back on the Coast as he had been accepted into the Masters degree. He is sharing a house with a French student (that is a student who is French rather than a person who is studying French) over near the University and expected that we would see him a few times over the course of the degree - the next two years. It is good news and only last week S was wondering if he had made it in.
Even though it started out fine - with the promise of chill - it was a lovely day weatherwise except for the thunder storm that formed over parts of the Gold Coast at lunchtime - and settled into some quite heavy rain which meant there would be no mowing at Latimers today. By the time we settled in for that cuppa it was time for flanny shirts and definitely something on the feet. M was wearing a jumper. It appears to be the start of winter weather.