Saturday, May 28, 2011


The question is what sounds more appetising - a BLT or a BLAT? I suppose it depends if you're a fan of avocado. Luckily though we didn't have to make a choice about avocado or not on our breakfast - we went for the standard Crave breakfast and as usual it was very yummy. It would be interesting to find out if the breakfast Pearl thought she would get "out" would have been something yummy. We were still out to our breakfast when S received a call from M, in Sydney, saying M and L had called reporting Pearl had been over - looking very hungry and saying nobody had fed her. Well that just wasn't true but how were they to know? It was a good thing they thought to call - probably because they are animal owners themselves and know what the furry ones get up to. I'm going to be extremely charitable in this instance - I think Pearl was just over to visit their new one because she was feeling lonely at our having left her behind. She had definitely given us "the look" as we drove out the gate.
Pearl not was not the only one to venture slightly further afield this morning. As S was hanging out the laundry, I sat with Em near the outside waters so she could have a drink - but she was more in the mood for a wander. She ambled around the side of the house and then all the way around to the back of the house - where she's never been before. She had a look in M's room - through the French doors and screen door - saw S there (doing the wardrobe summer-winter changeover) and turned to come back round. But she won't be going back to the bathroom for a lap around the shower any time soon. S has some up with a theory: perhaps Em goes off-colour because when she licks up the water from the shower, she's also ingesting a cleaning product - especially in the days just after J or K have been. It seems plausible so we're going to curtail that drinking activity for a while and see if it makes a difference.
"Where is the step ladder?" asked S. We both knew we had seen it somewhere but it wasn't in its usual place - in the closet with the vacuum cleaner. Finally the penny did drop - it was out where the nest was being built. I'm not quite sure what she wanted it for - or where she will put it when it's done.
The Great K came over this afternoon to collect a television and set-top box (I had finally managed to find the set right at the back of the shed and extract it). He is well, still enjoying his course and, I think, fairly keen to score an invitation to a Friday night Family and Friends dinner. You couldn't blame him - they're pretty good! i'm already looking forward to the next one myself.

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