Friday, May 27, 2011


Trivia night at the Advancetown Pub ... it's been a while! So much so, the questions seemed a lot harder but I think between the three of us - even though we weren't actually playing (even though the MC keeps encouraging as to) we didn't fare too badly. Were the people at the next table (who were playing) doing phone look-ups? You have to think that mobile/smart phones have changed the face of trivia competitions - it used to be you could phone a friend who you thought would know the answer - or be able to look it up - to being able to surf the net for the answer without leaving the table - as long as you had coverage.
It was M's first time at the Advancetown Hotel and its Yowie Restaurant. She didn't seem to mind it which is good because we will probably want to drag her off there again another Thursday night when we decide it is time to "do" trivia. She was pretty good but I should have remembered that from the time that she and S went to a trivia night at The Big House and did very well - much to the surprise of their table-mates who would not have realised what a bonus they were given when S and M joined their table.
It feels like the coldest night so far this year and it didn't take much for me to accept the suggestion from the others to put on slippers rather than wandering over the tiles with only socks on my feet. Mind you, my feet weren't cold (S can vouch for this because she checked them) but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side because you never know what complications you can get from cold feet! (Well, M did suggest something but I think I must have misheard because I couldn't work out how you could get piles from having cold feet!)
M and Mouse are off to Sydney tomorrow and will be back on Sunday. We will give them a lift to the big airport (note to self: clean out the car boot so their luggage has a chance of fitting) - and home of course! I don't know if M has broken the news to the animals that she'll be away or whether she'll leave that to us.

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