Thursday, February 9, 2012


It was a good Skype call with T this morning although I was trying to be quiet as the others weren't quite up yet - which may have had something to do with last night's late night.  Worse was that it is my second late night in a row and I was feeling just a little on the tired side (read: could easily have crawled back into bed and stayed there for a couple if days!). Nonetheless,  I was pleased to hear that T and partner had gone to last week's Chinese New Year's Parade in Sydney and will send through some photos of the event. 

The Markets were good and even though I was aiming to be there at 9:30,  we didn't quite make it - but still we were the first there if you don't count everyone else who was at the markets - making it incredibly difficult to secure a table for two let alone the table for 11 that we needed.   In the end Mick took charge and we "borrowed" tables and chairs from the bookmakers' area (making sure we returned everything when we were done!) 

Thankfully I hadn't had breakfast because the table was groaning under goodies baked by Mi and A - Mouse had had a break from baking but had brought along a selection of jams (and a pesto), for spreading on the ... what are they called? Oh ... lookoma - although I am sure that's not how it is spelled!  It's a small fried pillow of dough - I say pillow because it was amazingly light and airy inside - not totally like a doughnnut but actually nothing like a doughnut!  A's mini-muffins were wonderful too! A had also provided some brain food - lateral thinking puzzles which we enjoyed very much. 

Post-Markets S and I were off to Budds Beach,  then Harbour Town for lunch (we were thinking of going to a movie but the times didn't work) before taking ourselves back to Latimers for the afternoon and an early night.

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