Wednesday, February 15, 2012


 Early? Early? Yes, it was a bit early to be up on a weekend but I wanted to get to the beach so I was up at 5 and walking up the street towards the Surfers Paradise front before 6:30.  I couldn't believe how many people were already around at that time of morning - absolutely lots - and that didn't include the "security guards" in place to look over the sand sculptures.  Yes ... sand sculptures - the reason for the early-morning roll-out.  It's the Australian Championships which started yesterday and will be judged this afternoon.  There are eight pieces in competition - and each has brought their own vision to "Pirates in Paradise".  It's well worth a look and the pieces - plus the 40 tonne piece which some of the passing crowd suggested was a pirate ship - wouldn't that be amazing! - will be on display until next Sunday.  (Now that we're not going to Toowoomba next weekend, I might see if I can get in there again for another look-see!)

Photographs of sand sculptures taken, Skype call with T done (why does the reception on Skype go south after 8am when you're on a 3G network?), a quick chat with Mouse (who was at the Maccas where I was calling T from, herself out for her morning walk and a look at the sculptures), and after a transferring of pictures to the iPad, I made my way to the Markets ... and was absolutely stunned that F and Mi, and S and M had beaten me there - and I wasn't late.  M and A (and N) finally rocked up 15 minutes or so later - so we could sing Happy Birthday to him again - since today is the actual day.  I'm not sure he likes the attention - he didn't seem to be joking when he suggested people should celebrate their birthdays only up to their 21st, and then not again until they're 80! A had made a cake - and that was wonderful ... in fact, come to think of it, the table had heaps of food (more than usual?) this morning - cake, watermelon, pide, croissants - all very yummy.  And that is why I don't usually have breakfast before I get there ... but this morning I had broken with tradition and had something at Maccas ... so I could hardly fit another bite in at the Markets.

Even though we had considered catching a movie this afternoon, we came home and had a quiet afternoon with the furries.  Just as well the mowing had already been done as we had a big storm come through this afternoon.  Luckily the roof didn't leak ... It must have been coming from the "right" direction or not heavy enough ... but we had laid out the towels and buckets just in case. 

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