Friday, February 24, 2012


My neck is no better today ... it wasn't bad enough to keep me away from work but it did keep me away from Zarraffas this afternoon. I came straight home to Latimers to have a good lie down - and to take my mind off it by watching "Happy Days" and "The Brady Bunch".

We didn't go out for our usual Tuesday night dinner - S made the dish she was planning to make last night - baked steak - and it wasn't bad - a bit like a roast, but done in a very rich tomato sauce. It was a great attempt and it's good to try different things. Pearl liked it too ... she had more steak than sauce! S also did a sliced potato dish - very nice tonight and will also be great for lunch tomorrow if there's some left over. But that wasn't the end of it ... she also made a dessert - lemon delicious - using lemons off the Latimers tree ... only possible because the cockatoos haven't eaten them all!

Dolly seems to get cuter each day; and, surprisingly, Spot doesn't seem to be chasing cars nearly quite as much - but you can tell that he's still quite interested in them. L has apparently taken over dog duties at their house and it doesn't seem that Spot and the others are complaining.

It rained today so even though M had thought she might make it on to ROM before it goes away for servicing (I wonder how long it will actually be gone) she didn't get there. D did get to do some slashing though - so the bottom paddock should be a little more under control. Such is the grass growing here at Latimers.

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