Friday, February 17, 2012


I'd like to say that I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning but that wasn't so but it wasn't enough to keep me away from the Big Workhouse. Which is a shame because I would have enjoyed a day off.  As it was, it wasn't the world's best day at work but we did find out that one of our supervisor's at work is leaving in a fortnight's time - this is the same one who has been saying that no-one can take holidays until the end of the project because we can't afford to have the project understaffed. Ah well, it will be interesting to see what a change of middle management will do for the day-to-day running of the project. 

Tonight M and I went off to CSP (the jackpot is just over $50,000 now) and I think we excelled in the efficiency with which we were able to hand over our stakes to The Big House.  Luckily  M could take us upstairs for a "free" coffee - and a chat with Kathy who was just passing and lamenting the general state of play at The Big House. 

Then it was on to dinner at Spinners - where I had the Thai Beef Salad and M went with the special - a "whole chicken" dinner except that it was actually the size usually associated with spatchcock but it was roasted whole, not split down the middle and grilled as is usually the style with spatchcock. 

On the way up the lane, past a Spot who was being mostly well-behaved, we stopped so M could investigate something on the road which looked like and turned out to be a dead snake.  Luckily, it was not the carpet python which she had finally seen again last night on her way home - it has been quite a while, and this time it was heading in the opposite direction - obviously on its way to or from its usual stamping grounds.  M had taken a photo out of the driver's window of the car - saying she hadn't wanted to startle it by taking a photo, with the flash, while she was too close to it.  

The girls made it to Bingo again today - and I think both S and M had wins.  Neither Mouse nor E were as lucky.  S had plans for her winnings too; she has been partaking of a blog she has found called ... is it "Down to Earth" - by Rhonda Hetzel which looks at bringing one's focus to the home and enriching your life and that of those around you by making it a warm and secure place. The blog is full of good information on how to do that - and lots of other things too - including how to knit a dishcloth - which is S's current project as funded by her win at Bingo. (It took a while but we did get there.) 

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