Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It was a DreamWorld day today for M, S and little H. But for some reason the Q4U wasn't working there and H had to do his own lining up. They met me after work at Zarraffas before M went off to meet Me and Mouse for a movie at The Big House. S and I took charge of the lad and went off to do some tasks including calling into the pharmacy and going to the train station to get a timetable for their excursion to the Ekka tomorrow. But they had none left so H and I talked to the Customer Service Officer about timings for their journey there and back (I was more worried about them missing the last train of the evening back to the Gold Coast) and taking photographs of the times since there wasn't a printed timetable.
Then it was off to the video store. M had given S a voucher which meant we could get 7 weekly movies for $5.95 - and the only problem we would have was picking ones we wanted enough but not so much that we would want to watch them all tonight - unlikely. In the end we let H choose because he would be the one watching most of them. And then there was the dilemma of which one to watch first. I suggested we could do it by just doing a blind selection - but H had a better idea - he said we should use Pearl and let her pick. Which is how we came to watch Ali G in the House - because Pearl sniffed it most when she was making her selection. I'm not sure if it was the best of a bad lot but it was a bit funny in places and just plain crude - or was that rude - or both? - in others.
When we pulled into the video store we had decided to have NoodleBox for dinner - H had also had it for lunch but that didn't seem to bother him. By the time we had jumped out of the car - we were no longer definitely going to NoodleBox. H could smell something wonderful wafting his way on the Nerang breeze and it wasn't NoodleBox ... and though we weren't exactly sure what it was - we were sure it was probably coming from McDonald's (just over the road). So sure that as we left the video store, H asked if it would be alright if we had McBurgers for dinner. It's been a while since we've had Maccas for dinner and it was ... interesting. We're still wondering if it was my diction or the Macca person's hearing that turned S's orange juice into a Coca-Cola.
We must have made a lovely picture - the three of us and Pearl - watching the video in M's bedroom because the real television has not yet come back from the repair shop. I don't even know if M has had a quote for the remedial work yet. S, Pearl and H had the bed while I sat, quite comfortably, in the armchair. No sooner had we settled when H decided he wanted popcorn (he had mentioned it at the video store) and - just as well because we hadn't bought any - there was microwave popcorn in the cupboard - which he was able to make himself) - and I think we did well in cautioning him against sharing - with Pearl. And who knew that he sees his life motto as "Disaster is only a small step away" (as last seen on Mr Bean's Holiday)?

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