Thursday, August 11, 2011


Finally, there was a chance for another nerf attack this afternoon when M brought little H home on the way through to Jupiters where he is staying tonight. He likes it so much he has been called, in passing, Mr Hotel Lover. I think it's the robes he likes most of all because he doesn't seem to like Cheeseland as much as the rest of us, although he doesn't really get to go to Cheeseland as he is too young - but he can go to Cheeseland when it is Buffet Breakfast.

H had spent most of the day "helping" M with errands and then they came back to Latimers for a while. S, who was with them, phoned to let me know they were on the way back and while I had originally wanted to know so I could meet them there, but then I realised if I beat them back to the house, I could "surprise" them. And it worked well. Although I hadn't counted on H having his new possession - a stealth nerf - which fires only one dart and which is air-pumped and very quiet.

We went into The Big House tonight as well. M had tickets for us for "Stomp" - and it was an amazing show. We loved it very much - and were stunned by how much noise people can make with the simplest of every day items. One of the most amazing parts of their act was when they did fairy lights with cigarette lighters. Simply stunning. It convinced S and I that we need to see more live theatre.

After the show, we had coffee with M, H and Me who were just having their dinner. It is the first time I have seen a young person have a rare steak - and he persisted with ordering it even though M and H tried to gently persuade him otherwise. But he ate it and seemed to relish the "sloppiness".

While it would have been nice to stay on and have a go at winning the CSP jackpot, I have work in the morning so we had a relatively early night. I think the furries were pleased about that too because they all trooped in and we had lock-down within a few minutes of being home.

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