Wednesday, August 31, 2011


By the time I arrived back at Latimers this afternoon it was threatening to rain - had in fact sprinkled on the car - so I put off ROM until tomorrow. Instead, it was cup of tea time with S and M out the front - something we haven't done for a while. I have missed it - not quite sure how we let life get so busy sometimes that we don't stop to enjoy the simpler things in life. Emma came out briefly for a drink of water but then put herself back into the room. She was a little low key this morning - trying to put herself away into her "corner" or into the cupboard. Instead, S made her a "nest" on the bed so she could keep an eye on her.

It was no surprise that there was a big storm this evening with over 2000 lightning strikes registered throughout the Gold Coast. S, at home at Latimers, watching through the very generous windows here, said it provided a very spectacular light show. And a bit of rain. Although we're only using tank water for the garden and pet watering at the moment, it's good to know it's being topped up and there will be no need to purchase water for a while. She said she was glad she was at home when the storm hit because the animals, particularly Pearl, were frightened.

While S was watching nature's show, M and I were in at The Big House watching the first night of Hale and Pace's farewell tour (thank you M). They were fantastic although there were a couple of places where the act fell just a little flat but they quickly moved on. The only problem was that at some points I was laughing so much that there was no way I could actually remember the lines I was laughing at. (I must ask M if she does.) Even some of the bits when they were poking fun at people - something I don't usually like - was done "well" and some bits of that were very funny too. The support acts were pretty good too - a ventriloquist and an unusualist - the latter reprising a performance he did on the Internet a while back - YouTube search or Google for "shadows Wonderful World" - it was/is incredible how he is able to produce such amazing images from a lamp, a screen, and two hands. Of course, the dancing coat trick was pretty good too! You have to love any act which features a yellow feather boa! (Is such a thing named after the boa constrictor snake?)

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