Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday - birds, baby and not enough blankets


The birds are back! They're building a nest under the eaves out the front in the same place as last year's birds. S and M noticed them a few days ago when they were sitting there and I finally saw the two birds working on the nest this morning. And they were safe while they were doing it - at least from Maggie as she didn't get out of bed until just before noon. She didn't even get up for breakfast ... mind you, that was about 6am, so it's understandable except she usually does make the effort.

Asleep again!

Maybe she realized that M was going off for the day (QCAT again) and that she could do it because S wasn't going to chase her out. And. of course, another reason for staying in was because it was cold again today. S was probably pleased that it was windy as well because she had decided to do washing -and it turned out to be a brilliant drying day.

Almost full moon

That was exciting but it was more exciting in London today: Royal Baby Born ... which sounds like an extension to the Baby Born range with a range of regal accessories rather than a news headline.

In the bag!



M texted S during the day to ask if she could come home yet - Person Public seemed to have been a little more Irrational today. Anyone with experience in these areas might automatically jump to the conclusion that it had something to do with Moon phases.

Back on the bed!

It was almost Full Moon over Latimers tonight ... and it was absolutely amazing!

Tinka finally came back into the bedroom this afternoon - but only, we think, because she hadn't noticed Maggie was already in there ... curled up and asleep in the bag we had taken to The Big House last week. Maggie stayed there most of the evening - until S went to bed and then she crawled in with her and cuddled up in the middle of the bed - where she stayed most of the night, weighing down the covers so that when S turned over in bed, the covers didn't go with her so her back was exposed to the cold ... and it was cold! She's talking about rearranging the Manchester so it doesn't happen again.

The horses are okay today and there don't appear to have been any ill-effects from the vaccinations.

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