Saturday, July 9, 2011


There is nothing quite as exhilarating as seeing a kangaroo at the side of the road as you're driving out of Latimers in dark of a Winter's morning. It took me ages to calm down because it was standing with one paw on the road and I wasn't sure what it was going to do. I hit the brakes and didn't even have time to take the lights off high beam (just as well they were because I may not have seen it on the bend of the road otherwise) before it looked in my direction and serenely hopped away.
Luckily (?)I had put my shirt on backwards first thing this morning - and just as well I realized before lunchtime (it took almost that long the last time I had a wardrobe malfunction for anyone - including me - to notice my shirt was on inside out!) It is lucky to put your shirt on back-to-front isn't it?
A communication misfunction meant we were able to spend a quiet dinner with M rather than the usual Friday night Family & Friends Dinner tonight. There is an old saying that too many cooks spoil the broth - yes, yes and one about many hands make light work but we're talking about food here not electricity - and it seems true in some cases that the more people are involved, the harder it can be to decide on and execute a plan. M is talking about rescheduling for tomorrow evening - out - because the dinner was, as well as the end of week get-together, to celebrate Ma and Mi's recent birthdays.
Dinner was at what used to be the Sisters pizza and pasta place but which became just the pizza place when one of the sisters moved on. Now it is something else completely although still pizza, pasta and ... bistro. It was very nice and good to remember that is is an option for dinner in the local area. We forget sometimes.
Tomorrow we are going to spend at least part of the day with little H. I am looking forward to it because there is nothing quite like seeing the world through a young person's eyes. It will be interesting to see what he's like - generally and with boogie-boarding if it's warm enough for him to go although it would probably need to be freezing before he said he didn't want to go. The water over the last couple of days has supposedly been very warm - especially compared to the outside air temperature.
We were home fairly early this evening and were able to go into lockdown with the furries way before our usual bedtime.

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