Monday, July 11, 2011


It looks as though Lacey and the foal are about to be separated. They had both been moved from the bottom paddock up to the yard near the box that Keith built. The electric fence was still down at the gate so we know the move was only or had only just happened. It will be interesting to see if L keeps them both there to a couple of days or whether Lacey will go later today or tomorrow. M says that the separation, when it does happen, will upset all the horses in the valley - a bit like the last time Holly went off to the stud and Hermes was distraught.
The Markets were good again this morning although a little quieter than usual. I felt sorry for the new coffee cart - there for its third week I think - and not yet doing anything like a roaring trade. There's no denying it's Winter though because there are times when a freezing add wind blows through the "food hall" and everyone clutches their coats or jumpers around them a little tighter. F has called for a move to the outside area - in the sun - from next week and there was a great deal of support for the suggestion. Of course, there is no reason that we couldn't have done it today, except we were already settled by the time the suggestion was made to the group at large. And it's not as though we wouldn't have had luck getting tables outside - the Markets were fairly deserted today - someone suggested that it might have been because people had taken themselves off to the Greek Festival instead.
Hermes has torn his coat again and it is hanging up on the fence. I'm not sure if it can be repaired or whether M will be buying him a new coat. Not quite sure what he keeps doing - maybe engaging in a bit of horseplay with the others.
The MasterChef contestants were in New York tonight and it certainly looks warmer there than it is here. All the furries were in to watch it - or maybe it was to bask in the warmth of the heater like the rest of us!
In the end the pull of CSP ($219,000 now) was not enough so we (S and I) didn't make it to The Big House for that or for Christmas in July dinner but M and the family did. Instead, there was an afternoon nap (a rare pleasure - for some reason they frown on it at work), finishing off Mouse's magazine puzzles, and some series watching for me and newspaper reading and radio listening for S. But there's no doubt about it, once the sun goes off the front area at Latimers, it gets a bit chilly. But it is wonderful out here and again yesterday I couldn't help but marvel at what a wonderful environment it is - and hope much birdlife there is! I'm also wondering how the banana experiment is coming. M harvested two hands of bananas on Monday - one which is here (still green) the other in at Mouse's. Will they ripen off the tree? Which will ripen first? Will the cost of bananas ($13.99/kg) ever come down?

Sent from my iPad

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