Friday, July 8, 2011


I cannot credit how quickly this week is passing. Blink and another day has passed! But that's probably because there is lots happening - keeping us all engaged psychologically and physically.
Pearl needs more exercise. I threw the ball to her twice today and even though she did fetch it both times, getting it off her to throw the second time was very difficult. I can't help but think of her last year when she and I would play ball when I got home from work and in the end after many goes I would be the one to call "time". I did yesterday after the second throw because she was puffing too much. While M is busy entertaining little H and giving Mouse and Ma a break, I might look at taking Pearl (and me!) for walks around Latimers in the evenings after work. It would be nice if S came too.
Mat has finally left the MasterChef building - and it was handled quite humanely. In the program we saw (which would have been edited for brevity) he did not argue that he had broken the rules nor did we see enough of the conversation between Mat and Matt to know if Mat had offered his reason/s for breaking the rules about having a personal (smart) phone in the House. But I am wondering whether they edited in images of Mat looking "sneaky" in programs since the actual expulsion (the show is prepared some weeks in advance) so people would be less inclined to question the disqualification.

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