Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Washing day - and you have to feel sorry for anyone (thanks S) hanging things on the line when there's a chill wind blowing! And even if there wasn't a wind there was still the chill part of it. But those clothes need to get washed - although there is a philosophical argument in some parts as to whether outer layers need as much laundry attention in cooler months. Then same could be argued for what's inside the clothes and if we were without water, that's certainly an argument I could run (as well as taking advantage of the showers at work).
Lacey has left Latimers and it didn't seem to be as upsetting to the foal as we had thought - or perhaps she is just not as demonstrative as others. Apparently the greatest upset comes when the horses are calling out to each other - and this has a flow-on effect with the other animals - but this doesn't appear to have happened, probably because L had mother and foal together in the small yards the night before Lacey went off.
I meant to do some work on Samagrams this afternoon but allowed myself to be sidetracked to finish watching the two episodes left in the Outcasts series. That was a mistake because while I thought it would wrap up neatly - as one expects British short-form drama to - nothing was resolved and, in fact, it looks as though they have set the scene (hmmm - is that where the saying comes from?) for a second series. I haven't had a look on the net yet to see if that second series is in production or if the Americans are doing a remake of the series - not something they haven't done before - but will so I can have an indication of how long we have to wait for the second season!
But I did get to have a tour of the Harvey Norman website this evening doing some research into a new computer for Mouses's house - specifically so Ma can Skype home and email and do some web surfing while she is visiting. I hadn't realized what a good job Harvey Norman's had done until I realized they have a Compare function where you can look at the different models side-by-side to see which has the best mix of what you're after in a computer ... and then you can email that comparison sheet (less the ones you've already decided are not going to be suitable) to yourself and/or someone else. Great stuff! What will they think of next?

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