Thursday, July 28, 2011


Thank goodness for M and S and getting bananas at the markets otherwise there would be nothing on my toast at Zarraffas in the morning! The commercial price of bananas is still high ($13.99 kg - irregardless of variety) and I think (hope) they are getting them at a better price at the markets.

There was yard work at Latimers - or so I hear. M reported that she had swept up leaves out the front and on the driveway - which is more productive than I was today - because I ran out of work at half-time. I have been worried about this for a while ... there is nothing harder for me than having to "make" work or to keep hounding people to give me things to do. And really, I have run out of systems here that I can refine. Hmmmm. Will have to think about this because at this rate there might have to be a filing blitz and even "make" work is more fun than filing.

M went off tonight to pick up Ma and little H from the airport on their return from Sydney. We won't see her for the evening because she will debrief with them and get all the news from the South. So, we settled in for a evening of television watching - that would be S who watched the MasterChef immunity challenge which saw Michael pitted against a chef to see if he could win the pin that would take him straight through to the final week; I went to bed - still not feeling totally 100% after being laid low by the lurgy last week. It was great to have over 8 hours sleep for a change and while it would be nice to do that every night, I just wouldn't feel as though I was having much of a life - and certainly wouldn't be able to go out to Comedy Night at The Big House (planned for tomorrow night - Steady Eddy is the headline act).

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