Thursday, July 28, 2011


It's been a while - mainly because I thought the grass was too short to warrant it - but I finally climbed back onto ROM today and did the yard. I hadn't realized how much I had missed it ... it's very relaxing just focusing on the lawn and how to cover all of it in the most effective/efficient pattern - made more challenging because the grass is fairly short and in the lengthening shadows of the afternoon it can be difficult to tell where the last "row" was. And after blowing off ROM and putting him back in the shed (and recoiling all of the compressor hose to make it as tidy as possible), and sweeping off the back area where clippings had blown, I was able to take a good look, a deep breath, and enjoy a "Colorbond moment". It doesn't get much better than this - except if you remember to check the lawn first and pick up the single avocado and pile of dog droppings so you don't have to skillfully manoeuvre around them and come back and pick them up at the end because you didn't want to stop the mower.

Comedy Night at The Big House was fantastic. Mi and M were there, but luckily M missed out on the support act before the break. I'm sure some people thought he was funny - but it was a stretch. He was loud, having a go at bike-riders, and seemed unable to complete even a single sentence without using the F word. At one point in his act, every third word was the F word ... and it wasn't "funny". Steady Eddy was great though - and worked from the simple premise that the world is a strange place - and much changed. I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed his gig more or less without some of the audience participation - one woman was determined to let SE know that her companion who she was not "with" (as it later turned out) had an iPhone 4 - when he told of his iPhone 3 as part of his routine. She continued interjecting from that point on and SE was able to counter her interruptions with good humor and understanding, but really, we paid our money to see SE not her!

S chose MasterChef over Comedy Night and even though I'm not quite sure if it was a challenge apparently Michael is through to the Final Week (so at least we know when that is now) and Elli and Dani will fight it out in an elimination round - except Dani has an immunity pin - which if she uses could mean they will pull Alana back from safety into the elimination round. It didn't make sense to me - if you're not up for elimination how can you suddenly become so - unless they have a program to fill? If this is the case, not fair - because it's supposed to be about the dish you produce on the night not about whether someone can produce an immunity pin!

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