Friday, July 22, 2011


It has to start getting lighter in the mornings soon otherwise it's just going to be too dangerous for the folks out on their bikes early in the morning in and around Latimers. I passed a group of them this morning - only half of them with lights and riding in a "bunch" rather than single or even double file. Usually they are much better than this so I can only think they have been overtaken by the spirit and joie de vivre of the Tour de France which is nearing its conclusion for this year. Perhaps they are wishing our Australian contender - right up there with the current leaders - well and pedaling for his success. Between the bicyclists and kangaroos, it can be an interesting drive to work sometimes.

We took ourselves off to the Emerald Lakes Markets this afternoon. They used to be monthly markets but they're now held weekly and seem to be going well. There are more stalls there than I remember and thanks to S's superior recognition skills we were able to say hi to J's brother who is back in town after his teaching stint in the Northern Territory. He has sold his potato concession and instead was handing out samples of kiwifruit (very delicious they were too) as he helped a friend out with her stand. From our brief chat we know that it is the end of the kiwifruit season and he knows that his just teenage niece is about to make her catwalk debut next Monday.

We met J from work at the markets and had a wander with her and then she and S went off to have a coffee as I waited for at the hairdresser's ton have my hair cut. My appointment was for 5:30 and I was there on time but they were busy - "won't be a minute" I was told at 5:35 as she continued cutting someone's hair and then, ten minutes later as she fetched someone from the hair-washing area and started cutting their hair. Finally at 6 when she was still cutting hair (but not mine) I decided I wouldn't wait any longer and excused myself and went off to join J and S.

"I forgot to put MasterChef on to tape" S told me when I arrived. Hmmm. It was an elimination challenge tonight - taking the contestants to the top five - so we really wanted to see it. But we also wanted to have dinner at the Indian Halal restaurant there as well. Enter J with the plan. We could (and did) watch MasterChef at her place - there at Emerald Lakes - so we wouldn't have to scoff down dinner and race home, or do takeaway.

Meanwhile, after another day of activities with little H, M went off to The Big House with Ma to a Cocktail Party (not CSP ... but hopefully she will be able to report back on the state of that jackpot!). She is doing a very good job of entertaining the visitors and we are looking forward to seeing them again at Family & Friends dinner at Mouse's tomorrow night.

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