Thursday, July 21, 2011


Not totally a hundred per cent today but I was well enough to pull myself out of bed and go off to work. I and our paramedic at work (one of the benefits of working in construction) were a little concerned at my swollen eye but it had returned to normal by lunchtime so it can't have been too bad. Probably the way I slept on it for nearly 30 hours "yesterday".

I was surprised by a pack of Anzac Biscuits on the kitchen bench this morning (thanks M) and resisted the temptation to have some for breakfast - especially hard since they do have oats in them and you could run a good argument that they are as nutritious as porridge - especially if you have them with a glass of milk!

While I was looking forward to more chicken soup this evening, it appears it's now off the menu - replaced by Hungarian Goulash Soup. S's brother M dropped in today - passing the time as he waited for his eldest to sit the preliminary entrance tests for the Australian Defence Force Academy - and he and S had the chicken soup for lunch! Ah well, it's good for what ails you - even if you're not aware there is anything ailing you.

M took H to DreamWorld for the day - flying solo I think - and H went on all the thrill rides he had passed on last week when they were there. He went on the Tower of Terror II three times and The Giant Drop twice and numerous times on the others. Who thinks of the names for these rides? The Reef Diver, Shockwave, Rocky Hollow Log Ride, The Cyclone, The Claw ... are the names designed to make you want to ride, to give you an indication of what the ride offers, or so you can mumble something intelligible as you wander, dazed, off the more spectacular rides? Must remember to ask H what he thinks. M posted some great photos of him riding and enjoying other activities at DreamWorld? It will be interesting to see what they are up to tomorrow - body surfing I think - which means M will need to make an early start (up and at'em at 5:45am!!!!).

We were all in this evening for another round of MasterChef, the last team challenge of this series, with the remaining contestants running service for 90 minutes per team in the Qantas First (Class) Lounge. Then, M and S tuned in for the Season Finale of Offspring - which I hope isn't a serious drama because there were peals of laughter coming from the viewing area.

Everything seems quite peaceful in the valley at the moment and it's still warm enough after work to sit outside and enjoy the late afternoon sun. Come to think of it, I'll try to get home early tomorrow (wonder if my teleconference will go until 4:30pm as scheduled) to go for a walk around Latimers with S and Pearl.

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