Friday, September 9, 2011


Who knew Sean Connery had been a Mr Universe contestant - or that there are 4 US States which end in "O"? S and I went to the local hotel tonight for dinner and incidental trivia. It was a good evening and we were still home in time for S to watch her program while I did some mucking around on the computer - trying to see if there was any way I could read a PDF file with embedded comments on the iPad. I didn't solve it but I did at least manage to read the file - a response from C who never seems to write a letter - rather, he comments on what you've written on what you've written - which is a huge improvement to when he'd comment on a different something and you'd have to read them at the same time to marry the comment to the bit in yours that he was commenting on. C has always been a bit unique - probably why we like him so much - that, and that he introduced us to QI and Chuck Palahniuk's book Lullaby. Brilliant.

M and Mouse were at The Big House for dinner - and as I was still working on the computer when she arrived home, I heard l they had a good time. It wasn't too big a table (12 I think she said - and one of the other guests was K who'd only been at Latimers this morning (and had made me a very happy person by cleaning one more room than she normally does - the one we share with Emma. Thanks K!)) The food was good too - and M even tried a different dessert this time!

The treadmill is still behaving itself - now that we have it working - and now that it is operational, it seems to be much less of a cat magnet! Although they don't appear to be scared of or by it! I'm using it in the morning before I head off for work and the cats don't run from the room when it starts up. M and S say they don't hear it - or the television since I watch that as I walk - which is amazing since it makes a lot of beeping noises when it starts up, if you make any change en route, and when you're turning it off.

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