Wednesday, January 18, 2012


 It was a dark and stormy night - which may seem like the start of a bad novel but is actually an accurate description of this evening: It is a dark and stormy night. The rain continues and gives no sign of letting up. But that's okay because we do need the rain! 

M spoke with the pump man and he says that it is possible to increase the pressure - so the showerhead may he able to be upgraded from "rain" to "showers" - or maybe even "storm"! Not that it isn't workable - it's just not as good as it used to be. And I don't think it has anything to do with being distracted as I keep looking for the huge huntsman spider that M chased in the bathroom and didn't catch because it went behind something. So, besides from checking my towel - both side - before I have a shower,  and keeping a general eye out for anything that moves, I'm not obsessing about it at all. 

We went to Cheeseland this afternoon and it was amazing to watch the ocean, whipped up as it was by fairly strong winds . It was an amazing dark green/grey and the surf appeared massive - certainly much wider (more off shore) than it usually is. 

S was staying in at the Hotel again tonight and seemed to be very relaxed. She hadn't slept well last night (she was doing some intarweb surfing and managed to scare herself so she slept badly) but she did catch up on some sleep during the day. She had breakfast with M at morning-Cheeseland before M went off to do errands and to attend a Ladies Lunch. The food at the LL, she advises, was great and judging from the picture of her dessert on Facebook, a "deconstructed pavlova" (I obviously saw way too much Master Chef last year) - it could have made it to "stunning". 

It must be very different for the furries with S in at the Hotel because all of us can have turns with the television - although I know they all like cuddling up with S to watch the lifestyle programs and "that screaming show" 'about a maternity ward/hospital - and there'a UK and a US version! (If Beazley wants to watch television with me - although it has been a while - he knows it will be thriller, horror or science fiction - just a different type of lifestyle program really!)

The foal seems to be managing in the wet. You have to wonder what she thinks of i. - especially as this is probably her first big rain.  She does look more the one colour while she's wet so it's not that hard a stretch to see her as the black L says she will be. Now I'm just trying to work out how old she is. How does the I August birthday for all horses work - if a horse is born on 30 July, does it turn 1 on August 1?  And if it does, doesn't that mean that when it races against other two-year-olds (when it's 2), theoretically it could be racing against a horse born on 2 August the year before it was born. To the interweb! (Slight pause.) Okay, so breeders aim as close as possible to the birthday, and it is a common date (1 January in the US) to even out the competition! 

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