Thursday, January 12, 2012


Yesterday must have given Spot a bit of a start because he backed right away from the car as Lars and I approached he and L on the laneway this morning. Has he finally gotten some road sense or is he concerned that I am going to scoop him into the vehicle and take him home again or perhaps somewhere else?  

S was saying that one of L's horses has had a couple of starts recently and done very well - and because it was No. 11 at Barrier 1 (or was that the other way around) when it won, they were sure that M (who passed away on 1 November last year) may have had something to do with it.  There's no denying that the world works in stranger ways than we know or understand! 

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was certainly action-packed and action-driven ... and good fun.  Even though S had been dubious - because Tom Cruise "can't act'' (but he didn't need to) - she enjoyed it and, as M suggested, she could now be a starter for previous movies in the franchise. I'm thinking she certainly will if they have as much of a travelogue as MI:GP (who would have thought those initials could be rearranged to make GIMP ie to walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury - which those who have seen it will know is appropriate at one point in the film!) 

The weather remains warm - some would, and do, say hot - here! And long cold showers are out as the pump (although now replaced) is still to be wired in although it's possible that the electrician may have come and gone without announcing his presence - it happened earlier this week with the pump man!  

Pearl continues to be an urban dog as she is still on sleepover with Nana.  It's good because Sox loves having her there too.   I just hope Pearl is more settled than she was last Saturday - she appeared agitated and couldn't quite decide what to do,  especially when S was swimming in the pool.  A couple of times there it looked as though Pearl would jump in with her but she didn't - just continued to go around the pool and climbed down two steps in the pool to the water,  took a couple of laps (as in licks not laps of the pool) before getting out, asking to be let inside, then asking to come out and doing it all again.  Maybe it was just that S was swimming and Pearl is turning into a (life) guard dog.   

I wonder if Pearl will be home in time for when niece L comes to visit tomorrow.   Her brother P is currently away on air cadet camp and this is a way of giving her something special to do over the holidays as well. I could be wrong but me thinks there may be a trip to one of the Worlds in our near future!  

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