Sunday, May 13, 2012


I was a person on a mission this afternoon ... Harvey Norman is having a run-out of discontinued camera models - two for one - so I went off in search of new cameras for both M (who is looking for one to take overseas with her) and me (to replace my old point-and-shoot which is a bit worse the wear after its overseas trips without me). But such was my affection for it - and happiness with it over the years I've had it - that I decided I wanted to replace it with the latest model available in the sale. Imagine, then, my disappointment on finding they had already sold out by the time I arrived! But there were enough other models that were reasonable for me to put the call out to M to have her "come look". Of course, while I waited, I started doing research on the reviews to see what had been said about them. Each of them survived the internet test - and we set about playing with them. The sale must have been incredibly successful for Harvey Norman because those cameras were literally walking out the store ... so much so that by the time we had decided on the replacement models - they had all been sold except a couple of demonstrators! So we did the next best thing - phoned another Harvey Norman store and had them put away two Panasonic TZ-20's. We'll try them tomorrow and if they're okay - they will come home with us.

Tonight is Family N Friends dinner at Mi and F's. Mi was late getting home ... she phoned to say we should take our time which was good because we were still in Bundall and needing to drive home and then back to Mi's ... and it was definitely worth it for her chicken and rice dish - and because she knows I'm not a big rice eater, Mi had made me the most amazingly wonderful mashed potatoes (and luckily there were leftovers to take home - double yum).

F and S must have been fairly tired at the end of the week because they both took themselves off to the lounge area and "assumed the position" - and started pushing out ZZZs (although, and we stand by this, F was pushing out the bigger ones).

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