Thursday, May 24, 2012


There was no Bingo for our lot today. Mouse had an appointment so couldn't make it so S and M decided to see a movie instead. They both enjoyed it and S likened it to Slum Dog Millionaire - which made me wonder if it was a "feel good" film all the way through or just at the end! Then they went off to do "errands" which kept them busy until it was time for them to go down to John Flynn Hospital to visit J who is recovering from surgery. They said she was in good spirits, and pleased that her visitors were spread throughout the day. She is still on clear fluids, so when her dinner arrived they were able to see her tea, and soup, and jelly ... and ice cream - which I have never thought of as a clear fluid, but perhaps it is a special type of ice cream. I hope we never have to find out.

They were running late on their return - and M rang and asked if I could take Tink to the vet for her diabetes check ... yes, she still has it and had a reading of 6.1 which seems a little low. They have dropped her insulin to 5 (morning and night) and want to see her again on Monday afternoon - then, hopefully fortnightly - which may be a challenge because M leaves for Russia next weekend and it will be up to us to corral Tink. I didn't do too bad a job today, although it could have gone either way - I had been keeping her pretty much in sight all afternoon to keep tabs on where she was - in case she pulled the disappearing trick for M - and I'm sure I didn't spook her (or tip her off) because I wasn't even thinking about being the one to take her - until the call came.

After having S's company all day, M offered to take us all out to dinner - and, of course, we said yes. We went to the little Italian restaurant in Station Street (the one on the lower level - but they are moving this weekend to street level). This had been a favourite - and was run by two sisters - until they went to doing just pizza, and now they have expanded to a fuller menu - but it really just isn't as good a dining experience - especially when we had to wait so long for our meals - made even more difficult because folk who came in after us had their dinners before us - and they had the same types of dishes - pizza and pasta - as us. Ah well, will this be like The Groper and His Misses? We give them another chance and then make up our mind as to whether we'll go there again.

(There has been no mention of CSP because it has been rescheduled - probably to Friday as M has a couple of comp nights in at The Big House and it will be nice to be able to play/watch at the tables late, and then just fall into bed rather than having to drive home!)

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