Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm not quite sure how I dragged myself out of bed this morning - but drag myself out I did! I know I'm tired when I make sure I put on my glasses and both lights in the kitchen before I even think about getting the insulin shots ready for the cats! Three cats ... two different insulins, two different doses - best to keep one's wits about them. The good news is that the system works - when Tink was diagnosed, M set up some baskets, tagged with their names, and that is a great way of being able to keep things organised!

Tink did make it back to the vet this afternoon and her insulin shot has increased by .5 morning and night, bringing her to 5. She's much skinnier than she used to be - and it seems strange that she is on 5 while Beazley, who is just a little larger, is on 1 - the same as Emma who is just a shadow of her former self. She seems well within herself, though, but increasingly frail. The Pest Man's visit last week seems to have helped, because she and the others don't appear to be scratching as much (or have as many fleas) even though they are all spending a lot of time in The Flea Exchange.

No CSP for me tonight ... I was so tired when I arrived home this afternoon that I went straight in for a rest - and to spend some quality time with Emma. I put myself under headphones and must have fallen asleep because at one stage I opened my eyes and S was leaning over me, asking if I was awake, and it gave me quite a start.

I managed to crawl out a while later - but not before I had made a start on clearing up my "throw things here" shelf - something I have been meaning to do for a while. Some things are best done when you're not fully aware of what you're doing ... except giving the cats their insulin shots!

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