Sunday, May 20, 2012


I was plagued by a mysterious ticking noise today - not quite like the Harry Potter Puppets and the mysterious ticking noise - actually it was more like music - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons - but where was it coming from? It was driving me crazy for a while there. After a couple of hours, I finally found it - it was the iPad which was stuck on repeat at a very low volume. Mmmm ... iPad.

Monday night is Trivia night and we were a complement of six again tonight with J-L coming with S and N. We didn't do too well, but we didn't do too badly either because it is very stiff competition there - and we wouldn't have it any other way. We do have to learn to be more analytical about our answers though - we missed a few points this evening because we didn't question our answers closely enough - but there's always next week.

It's not the same coming home after Trivia to a room that is empty without Emma - she was amazing, being underfoot in the mornings waiting for her breakfast tinnie to be opened, jumping on you to have a cuddle whenever you lay on the bed, always darting to get out of the door whenever it was open, drinking water out of the shower cubicle even when we kept telling her she shouldn't, and a million other things that we miss.

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