Thursday, May 24, 2012


I was very excited yesterday to find that the Euro-Vision Song Contest is almost upon us - tomorrow night and Sunday night I think are the semi-finals (but I could be wrong about that). I was introduced to the EVSC the first year S and I were together - she made me watch it - and if memory serves me correctly, it was on a tiny home entertainment centre which had something like a 7" screen (it was almost in the days before metric but not quite). Englebert Humperdink is performing this year - at 67 he is going to be one of the oldest contestants. We may have to tape it if we do stay over at The Big House tomorrow night.

M took her car off to the mechanics today (that makes three cars in three weeks from Latimers) and hopefully they will be able to find the leak that keeps her car giving hissing sounds when she stops. Hopefully it is a leak and not a snake - but her coolant light has been coming on, which suggests the car has lost some fluids. (On her walk near the mechanics today, M did see a live black snake!)

S is not well today (she was a little off colour yesterday but not badly so) and has been keeping a low profile (I would have liked to have said she has been "laying" low, or should that be "lying"? And that's precisely why I sought other words.)

Beazley's wounded ear seems to be healing nicely although it does look as though he's lost a bit of fur there - or it could just be that the salve M is putting it on is making it look different from the other one. The best thing is that it doesn't appear to be infected so there should be no trip to the vet for him. We're hoping he doesn't get into any scraps/scrapes while M is away overseas - it's always difficult to know whether to take them straight to the vet for treatment, or DIY first and see how it goes.

It's not yet 5pm and the daylight is beginning to fade - and we're still a month away from the shortest day of the year (is that the Winter Solstice?).

I'm not sure if I mentioned that L is back from his trek of the Kokoda Trail; and we cannot get over how much weight he has lost; he's looking on the gaunt side and that isn't a look he wears well.

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