Thursday, May 24, 2012


Tink was playing hide and seek with me at 5 this morning - obviously she had decided she did not want her insulin injection this morning. When I did find her, approaching with a masterful gaze, she put herself under the kitchen table knowing that I wouldn't be going in there after her and, if I did, she would be able to escape fairly easily. So I did the only thing I could think of - I tricked her. I went over to the front door to let her out and as soon as she arrived, I quickly gave her the shot and sent her on her way. She was back a few minutes later - overtaken by the need to eat cookies.

While she was trying to avoid her injection, I would have gladly had one for pain relief. It's good we have a nurse on hand at work. She made me a heatpack and checked my meds (from previous bouts of neck and back pain - they usually only last a couple of days and I never finish the painkillers they prescribe) to make sure they would be okay. I had to tell her I have never had as many health complaints when I was in a workplace that didn't have medical staff! Or perhaps it's just a function of aging. I was a bit concerned because I could track this back injury back to Sunday when I sneezed and heard a "snap" but since the heatpack does work, she assured me it was muscular - rather than a tear which would probably get worse ... phew!).

I thought about calling off dinner with J but decided the range of movements I'd be doing - driving, sitting, eating dinner and drinking tea - would be bearable especially if I kept up the painkillers. She is in great form, very happy and she thinks she's in love. I'm sure of it. She has known K for a while - met him through a friend - and has been getting to know him over the last few months. She now has "withdrawals" when they're apart and has to see him every few days. Yep, she's got it all right. I'm happy for her too ... she deserves some happiness, and there hasn't been a great deal, since her husband left her for R's teacher five years ago.

I don't know how, but I missed my appointment with the doctor this afternoon - and to think I had been wishing I had one today rather than tomorrow; that will teach me to write them down.

Meanwhile, back at Latimers, S was holding the fort with the furries - and sending out telepathic requests to both M and I to bring her home something tasty. Unfortunately neither of us received the message - or, if we did, we didn't recognise it!

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