Sunday, May 20, 2012


Poor Mouse! It was Family N Friends dinner tonight - at her place - and she spent the last two days cooking for it. So it must have been disappointing when M and A couldn't make it; and then The Great K couldn't make it (something about not wanting to share his cold with us). So, it was just the normal crowd - except that it wasn't a high key affair. M had been up to Brisbane for another training session and had lunch with Sy afterwards - but something was not quite right - so when she arrived at Mouse's (she went straight there instead of coming home first) she was still feeling decidedly under the weather. Fl had been feeling under the weather with his flu, but he had been to a doctor who had given him two lots of medication - one of which was steroids. So Fl, who usually has dinner and what he's eaten immediately pulls his eyes down, was ultra-talkative and was a bit like the Eveready Bunny and showed no signs of stopping any time soon. I, on the other hand, after a not-brilliant night last night - had to excuse myself and "assume the (nap) position" on the lounge.

But despite us not being ourselves, Pearl seemed to enjoy dinner with us ... we had been just about to leave home when Beazley showed S his ear - which seemed to have been bitten or spagged. It didn't look pretty but it didn't look infected either, so S and I cleaned it and applied some antiseptic cream - and we'll keep an eye on that as well (as the puncture mark on his back). Unsure of what had caused the damage, and not wanting to leave any of the furries in harm's way, we checked with M and decided to lock the cats in (yes, Tink did eventually come in - she was happy to go into the house as long as no-one approached her), and because we didn't want to lock Pearl in, she came with us. It was just a shame that she had already had her dinner - because a full dog and car travel do not always make the best combination - but she did well.

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