Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Monday and Magpie Larks

It was a good crowd again at Trivia tonight - it seems we have picked up a few more teams and they're eager to give us a run for our money. We did manage to be on the Podium tonight - second - but we did come equal first in the first half - but managed to get the tie-break question wrong. (For future reference: The Spanish War started in 1936.) We did manage to win a Meat Tray though and luckily we remembered to collect it on the way out of the Club.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the Coast, M met up with Mi and the others at The Big House for dinner at Vivo. FI was going to meet up with them post-Trivia but had thought better of it after he left us and he went home instead. Home seemed like the place a few folk wanted to be last night - including M (and S) but the only one who did manage not to go out was Mouse. "She had the right idea" M assured us.

The person doing manure patrol in Hermes' paddock yesterday commented on two lots of Latimers' birdlife - the cockatoos who had attacked the lemon tree (or was that Ka on the phone when she rang to change her day?) and the Plovers nesting in Hermes' yard and not letting anyone come near. Of course, that's not the only birdlife around here at the moment. As I sat out the back today while S and M were off at Aqua (it was far too nice to be working inside under artificial light and what good is it being between jobs if you can't take time out(side)) when a magpie lark came and perched on the clothes drying rack - S and M had already been to the Laundromat this morning (only to wash) and I was supervising its drying aka making sure I was on hand to bring it in in case it started raining - but back to the bird, who spent a fair amount of time with me and didn't seem at all frightened or concerned by the human presence. It even stayed there while I went to get the camera so I could take a photograph to show the girls ... but I really needn't have bothered because he was still there when they arrived back from Aqua (another good session!).

M watched an episode of "Person of Interest" out the back while S had a nap and I did some Samagrams checking (still unwilling to work inside!). As we sat there, the magpie lark came back and M (softie that she is) went and got it some mince which it gobbled down quite quickly. I think it enjoyed it so much, it would have licked its lips if it had any. And then we realised there was another one ... and another one. It will be interesting tonsee if they come back tomorrow.

"Hello ... Technical Support." Je is planning to put a video of older people exercising (to a stirring piece of music) into a presentation she's giving next week - but, she and son L are having some technical difficulties. We're hoping to sort it out but to do that she will need to have a copy of the file in a workable format. I've sent her instructions overnight so hopefully we'll be okay to meet up tomorrow while she's on the Coast and fix the problem.

Still on video ... some time ago, I saw a video clip of a person folding a t-shirt in a couple of seconds. This seemed like a reasonable skill to have so 1 "youtubed" it and had a go. Wow... wow... and wow again! It wasn't perfect (yet) but it is actually much better and faster than almost any of my previous t-shirt folding attempts ... ever! So buoyed by that new learning am 1 that I may soon approach the Fushigi Ball and attempt contact juggling - outside, on the grass, of course! Having dropped one on the floor previously, I know it's not good for either the ball or the floor although the instructions do say that in that competition the Fushigi Ball would definitely win! Ah that such a thing of beauty could wreak such destruction and damage!


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