Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday 10 February

It's ebbing treamly cruel. I think that was a comment that related to one of the competitors at the Sochi Winter Olympics - but I can't be sure because while I'm copying down gems like this, I have to take my eyes off the screen ... ad I lose it.

It's going to be hard to fit Winter Olympics in over the next little while - Sooz has offered to tape them for me and I may have to take her up on this - once I know what sports I am most interested in.

The girls made it to Aqua today (Mouse was dropping the Russians at SeaWorld for the day) and to Ferry Road for a quick lunch.

M managed to get some more ROM in as well some time today because by the time I arrived home this afternoon, all the back area was mowed as well as the front. It looks great! And there must be something in the lawn because the willy wag tails were hanging around there this afternoon. There have been a couple of days over the summer when the birds didn't follow the mower around ... that's when you know you need rain.

St wasn't at Trivia tonight - he had an early night, Ni said he had taken himself off by the time she was ready to come to Trivia. An is still away so there was no help from her tonight ... and we could have used both she and St for the first round ... Timeline ... aka which year was this. They gave us a list of the years, and photographs of various events, but the best we could manage was ... hope everyone's sitting down for this ... 2 out of a possible 10. Needless to say, we didn't climb onto that podium tonight - but, amazingly, we weren't that far off. The good news is, though, that Sooz won a meat tray - and since her ticket was the first one out, we were able to choose what we wanted - which was the tray I picked but they didn't bundle it correctly so we ended up with something else - which is now living in the freezer.

And speaking of freezers, it was about -25 degrees when the Russians left home last week - so they are enjoying our mild but sunny weather here - and the kids are spending almost every spare in the pool!

And I don't think I've mentioned yet that David (aka The Great K) has had word on his degree. It sounds fairly positive - but he has to repeat the last Semester (starts September). In the meantime, he is looking for employment.

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