Monday, February 24, 2014

Sunday 23 February

I managed to stay awake for the Skype call with Tr this morning - which is a huge improvement on last week's noddings off. Luckily I hadn't stayed up quite as late last night ... but it was late enough!

We were the smallest group I can remember at the Markets today - Mouse, Flam, M, Sooz and I. We only needed the one table - and then we didn't fill it up. It was just as well we were such a small group though ... the entertainment was in under cover with us (they were using the marquee for a boxing match later today and were constructing the ring - so that was a no-go zone). The entertainer (a singer with a guitar) was very loud - especially with his music bouncing off the ceiling and columns (there are no walls) - and if our group had been any larger, there was no way we would have been able to hear each other - even after he had turned the volume down (just).

Sooz and M went off to see "Frozen" this afternoon while I took myself off to The Big House to sit in Spinners and do some more work on my CV. Trish had told me this morning about the new "Capabilities Framework" that the NSW Government is starting to use, and that was a quite interesting way of looking at it. I spent some time looking through that, doing some editing of my (now three versions of) resume and wondering if there were any other things I needed to check with An when next I see her on Wednesday to go through what has been done so far.

When Sooz and M arrived at The Big House l met them at Spinners. The Spinners folk might have been surprised to see me back ... I'd only left 15 minutes or so before!

After a quick bite, Sooz went off to play the Five Treasures machine while M and I went upstairs to watch Numbers. There was a spot at the table, to play, but as we couldn't seem to pick the numbers when we weren't at the table, there was less chance that the numbers would come once we were there. We couldn't know that for sure of course, but it seemed like a reasoable assumption.

On the way home, Sooz and I called in to the Indian restaurant at Highland Park to pick up some pappadums and garlic naan to go with Sooz's curry. It was definitely a big success - her curry that is - and she'll hopefully be making that recipe again!

Remind me not to do iDevice updates after 8pm Sundays. I set the new update to run on the iPhone and it was still going after 10pm - way after my Sunday night bedtime. I decide not to update the iPad as well. There was no telling how long that was going to take.

Finally, leaving Sooz to watch something on her iPad - lockdown achieved, lights on outside (and inside) forwhen M arrived home, this litle black duck and Tink called it a night ... ready to do it all again tomorrow!

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