Friday, February 7, 2014

Thursday 6 February

It was a very busy day at work ... we were dissecting the financial system and spreadsheets looking for missing and/or multiple entries. We haven't found it yet - but that's not for want of looking ... and we know there will be more of the same tomorrow. Hopefully, and this is what both Le and I are willing to happen, someone will have an epiphany about it overnight and then, in the morning, the answer would appear as if by magic!

I joined Sooz and M for a cuppa out the back when I arrived home, and as we sat there, we watched a gentle miss start to fall in the valley - bringing with it a temperature drop of a couple of degrees. Sooz had managed to get the washing off the line earlier in the day so we didn't have to do a mad dash to get it in. As we sat there, it dawned on me that I haven't seen Hermes for a few days, but then I'm not sure whether they are still taking the horses in during the day as they were during the hot phase a while ago.

Well after the relative non-luck at CSP - and it is all relative because we have been managing to keep our stake (mostly) even if there hasn't been that much take-home money, I finally tried my hand at Roulette - at the table. Armed with my coloured erasable pens, cards and chips - and M of course, there was no way I would have been game to do it by myself - we fronted the table, changed my $100 chip to $5s ... and I wondered, just for a second, what was I doing! But the nerves calmed after a while (what's that - it's after 10pm?) and I managed to put on a couple of winning numbers ... and was very very happy with that as a first result! I'm not sure how surprised Sooz was when we arrived home and I gave her a black chip - especially as when we've talked about Roulette previously, she's always said something about why didn't you do it rather than just talk about it ... and it's good to think that finally I have. Yes, I could have done it a little quicker (what's that ... 10:30pm when we arrived home?)

Tinka came in with me again tonight - and settled on the other side of the bed, but stretched out as much as she could. I don't mind as long as she leaves me a tiny tiny bit of the bed. I know other people say "move her" but she isn't really that much of a nuisance and I do think her snoring helps put me to sleep.

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