Friday, April 18, 2014


It was a bit cooler this morning - about 12 degrees. I was a bit surprised because it has been quite warm of late - unseasonably warm for Autumn. It's supposed to be sunny for the Easter Break so we'll see it that means it will be as warm as it has been or whether we will experience our first cold spell of the year.

I'm not saying I was tired this morning but l did mistake a can for a plover - but not for long. That being said, it did make me realise how much rubbish there is roadside. I'm not sure if I am surprised that most of it appears to be wrappers from fast food stores - one in particular. I'm not sure how people can just throw rubbish out of cars like that but it seems like there's more than one person at it.

I don't think the small kangaroo I saw by the roadside had anything to do with it! It was thrilling to see it - especially as it made no attempt to approach the road. It stood there for a moment before bounding back over a fence into a paddock.

Well, it is official. I really have no understanding of the phases of the moon. Yesterday when I walked Pearl the moon was hanging low in the sky, not far above the horizon. This morning, at the same time, give or take a few minutes, the moon was still high in the sky and not looking like it was going anywhere. And don't even get me started on the Sun!

Sooz had another good day at work today although it was a bit all over the place - it is the day before Easter and there was a Mass on - and some of the folk she was scheduled to see had gone there instead. So she caught up with some of her afternoon people in the morning and vice versa. She came back with some interesting stories including one that was heartwarming and touching. A woman was receiving a visit from a man she took to be her husband. As the Nurse Unit Manager told Sooz later the man had been the husband but they had divorced some years ago - but the woman had no recollection of that and only knows on some level that her "husband" visits her twice a week - and she will continue to believe that. He must love her very much. And she him.

I parked on the other side of the carport today. M has arranged for a load of hay to be delivered. It's not here yet but it should be soon. M's putting it on that side of the carport to try to protect it from any inclement weather we might have.

It wasn't terribly busy at The Big House tonight but busy enough in Spinners. I had the Shank special which was much nicer than I'd thought it would be - especially the mashed potato and the vegetables. Yum. It was a shame the numbers weren't falling the right way tonight but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Sooz was still watching television when M and I got back to Latimers. Alas, there here no chips, leftovers or water for her this time. But there are Easter Eggs which may make an appearance at dinner at Mouse's tomorrow night.

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