Thursday, April 17, 2014


It was a full moon eclipse tonight and for a while there I was worried I was going to miss it. It was due to start at 5.27pm and that was about the very time that they ushered me in to take a seat with the podiatrist. Then I had a couple of errands to run - and it was as I turned into the lane almost at Latimers, just before 6:30, that I thought I'd missed it ... surely it had to be over... but no, there was a red Moon over Latimer. M and Sooz came out to have a look as well and agreed it was magic - which it was.

M was trying to get Pearl to have a howl at the moon, but Pearl wasn't having any part of it - even though M was demonstrating exactly how it was done.

I'd finished Mouse's puzzles this morning at breakfast so I was able to give them to M to post when she went out this evening. This way they have a much better chance of getting to Sydney in time for the competition close - especially since Easter is at the end of this week.

Sooz had a lucky escape this afternoon - she had a fall near the back door - and M was with her so she was able to quickly swing into "looking after the patient" mode - and this is what was happening when I rang. It was good I had too, because I had missed Sooz's message saying they had been to the Post Office - which would have been my next stop after the Podiatrist. Sooz seems to be okay but it will be interesting to see how she pulls up in the morning.

It was her first day back at work today and she enjoyed it although a few of her people have gone to ... whatever it is they believe in. The others were in good form though.

Pearl's sense of smell has returned, I know this because she is now able to correctly tell which of my hands her suppertime cookie is in - without me having to have part of it showing, in taking this to mean that those extremely hard to deliver antibiotics have done their job!


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