Tuesday, November 19, 2013


We had another storm today and while we had thunder and lightning at the site, there was only heavy rain out at Latimers. The tank must just be about full - as opposed to B's - which is still resting on its top and tied to the power pole so it doesn't blow away! The storm, alas, meant that it was too wet to mow, but M kept herself occupied by changing a downlight in the bathroom and trying to remember how to get the main light fitting off so she can change that bulb (a casualty of the storm the other night).

Sooz has been very lucky in the kangaroo sightings over the last few days - she's seen at least two groups of them - just standing in the paddock off the side of Latimers Crossing Road - like pretend fence posts. It is fantastic they are still around given how much more development there is in the area than a few years ago.

Sooz hasn't been so lucky in seeing the new Christmas Vacation house along Gilston Road. M and I saw it the other night - and each time Sooz has been in the car since then, the house hasn't been on ... which is a shame because it really is quite spectacular.

Dinner tonight was at Mouse's ... a wonderful soup - blue cabbage and tomato - and it seemed to have some meat in there too ...but I could very easily be mistaken about that ... and spaghetti bolognese. Truly wonderful ... especially since there were leftovers to bring home and to take to work for lunch tomorrow.

Mouse was watching "The Black List" tonight with M and Sooz - and since I'm still at least an episode behind (maybe more ... who knew the father had been discovered?) I popped myself under headphones and concentrated on powering through the puzzles. I'd wanted to have them finished by the time we left so we could drop the entry into the postbox, but thats going to have to wait until tomorrow now.

We didn't go out on site today because of the rain ... so that was a bit of a disappointment. Our Safety Manager said we could go, but we'd have to wear rubber hats and rubber shoes ... and before he could say "and rubber suits" we stopped him and said it would be okay ... we could go tomorrow!

Tinka came in as soon as we arrived home tonight and after she'd had some cookies and was just sitting around, I suggested she might want to come in with me for the night ... and she trotted straight into the bedroom, jumped onto the bed, and started grooming. That's a cat you don't have to ask twice ... unless you're really trying to get her in for lockdown and she doesn't want to come.

I have to remember to take Pearl's post-walk "treat" with me in the morning. Once I have my work boots on, I don't like going back inside and this morning Pearl came on the walk with me and when we arrived back, I realised there was no treat for her. I'll do better tomorrow ... and no, I don't know if there's any truth to the rumour that I gave her a couple of cat cookies from up the back (and just an arm's reach from the backdoor).

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