Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Friday 28 February

Happy Birthday M!

Happy Birthday

I was busy with spreadsheets most of the day at work. It does make me wonder how they are going to successfully implement the new Financial System given they do not seen to understand how hands-on the old system is - and they just seem to be building on its complexity while taking away some of its better features - like useful reporting. It worries me - although it shouldn't because at this point I'm not contracted to be there for the rollout of the new system - is how they plan to do the roll-out of the live system. I've had a couple of conversations with Le about it but it seems they are in the dark with it as well. Hopefully all will become much clearer in the coming weeks as the launch date inches closer.

We had a change of venue for M's birthday dinner this evening - the Kalinda restaurant at Royal Pines Resort - for their seafood buffet. I was there early to drop off the birthday cake, as recently liberated from Baskin & Robbins - and after getting lost in their entrance and driving around the grounds (and very well tended they are too) - I realised I was running out of time to go home, get changed, and come back in. Luckily M had gone home to get ready so she could give Sooz a lift in, and Sooz could bring me a change of clothes. We were a small group - smaller than expected also because An was not well and was confined to Barracks - but a good time was had by all - including M which is fitting because it was her birthday! She wore a new birthday shirt which as very nice - and she was only surpassed in sartorial elegance by Mouse who was wearing a very nice outfit as well.

Az had organised the group present which Syl or I may need to help M fit to her car - it's one of those cameras that people are installing in their vehicles now which record your driving in case of accident. Apparently, according to Syl, who knows about these things, it can't really be used as evidence because the cameras remain private property and at this point are not seized - but insurance companies love them as it takes the story out of the hands of people who often remember things quite differently (from what they are).

It wasn't late by the time we arrived home (tired but happy) so I stayed up - Maggie was with me - to watch a little television - which turned out to be "The Blacklist" - it's back from break in a minute and it was good to revisit what was the last episode before it went on break.


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