Wednesday, June 4, 2014


It was quite a different start to a work day. I was up early - cat and dog feeding - and doing tray patrol - taking Pearl for her walk - and then settling in to do some reading while I waited for the others to get up. We weren't due to leave the house until 8:15, so I had tons of time to "puddle" - especially as I had finished my "work" just before 12 last night. Perhaps I should have taken the opportunity to sleep in, but I don't want to get out of my routine - or get the furries out of whack either.

Did I mention that An didn't come to Trivia last night. They are in the middle of getting ready for their caravan excursion so she decided to give it a miss. When Fl asked where she was, I told him she was off celebrating her anniversary - and he asked for her phone number so he could ring her and give her a hard time - the same as the rest of us had given him last week. He said that, in the end, he and Mi hadn't gone out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary - they had ordered in and had dinner with their boys. It sounded like a lovely thing to do.

There was a bit of to-ing and fro-ing this morning about how we were getting Sooz to work but in the end, Je picked her up from Maccas. We'd had breakfast at the little cafe near the Post Office - always good - but if I had thought about it for a moment longer, I would have suggest Monte Matre. Next time!

It was wonderful having Kezza to stay - and she seemed to enjoy Latimers very much - but what's not to enjoy? Especially if you're there when the power's on. It wasn't supposed to be today - there was a note in the letterbox about a planned disruption - 8am to 4pm. We didn't get home until 6-ish (I was late leaving work - EOM accounts stuff - and then I had to pick Sooz up from Zarraffas, where Je had dropped her).

The mornings are brilliant here at the moment - each morning the mist is different.

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