Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Sooz is missing Aqua. She said this yesterday just before she put herself on the walking machine. She said the same again this evening before getting on the walking machine. It's very impressive. Maggie will have to be careful about taking naps on the walking machine from now on - she'll never know when she has to move!

It was another busy day at work … even with the new person starting today. Believe it or not, EOM hasn't finished yet. That's a bit of a shame too because investigations into various parts of the accounts are keeping me away from site diary and invoice processing.

I gave Sooz a lift across to Merrimac this morning so she could meet Je for another day of research assisting. She was fairly exhausted when I picked her up after work - she'd had a big day at a new facility. She met some interesting folk though - with some amazing stories - and one of them told her a joke about a cat that goes to heaven - and some mice. I'm not going to give the punchline away, And you'll have to take my word for it - but it is funny.

We had a quiet night in - we were both a little whacked - so what better thing to do than tune into MasterChef so we could try to forget about our Prime Minister referring to a host country as "Canadia". We are waiting, but not too keenly, on finding out what he does next on the international stage.

The furries didn't mind the company and Maggie was back on the couch with Sooz - her normal position these days. When Tink wasn't out asking for cookies (does she know about the Nil By Mouth planned for the morning?) she was on one of the beds. Pearl was her usual attentive self, especially when we were eating our dinners.

Before lockdown tonight I remembered to remove any cookies and other cat food that was around and about since Tinka is off to the vet in the morning to see how her blood sugars are going - and her weight. It wouldn't do to have her snacking before we got there.

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