Sunday, May 18, 2014


It was Family n Friends Dinner at Zen tonight. It will be the last time we do this for a while because it's only a couple of days before Mouse and M leave on their trip. Fl and Mi's boys stopped in for a coffee with us just as we were finishing up (before the fruit arrived) to say goodbye to the travellers.

It was another busy day at work. That's all we seem to have these days. But we're getting some more help on Monday with another pair of hands (with a person attached to them) from Head Office. All going to plan, we should begin to make a big indent on the 200 outstanding invoices in the system by the middle of the week.

Syl and Mau came out to play with the caravan at Latimers this morning. Syl took Sooz back to their's for lunch - and gave her a lift back after. She loved it! But who wouldn't love a roast chicken lunch, complete with baked vegetables, and followed by chocolate pudding. It's no wonder Sooz put herself down for a quick nap after they dropped her home. It was Syl and An this time and Sooz thinks they were doing things with the caravan - but she isn't sure - that's how quickly sleep overtook her.

M was wanting to remember to pick up the tickets today so I sent her 5 emails - each related to tickets in some way - and with the word "ticket" or "tickets" in the title. Alas, she didn't read them this morning ... but the good news is that she did remember to get them! She does seem to be a little bit on the non-relaxed side .... possible because the new bag is not suitable - it is perfect at rolling but can't be lifted easily - or at all - because the only handle is on the "top" so you have to be a very strong giant to lift if off a luggage carousel or onto a bed for un/packing. M's returning it. She'd bought another one for Mouse, too. The first one wasn't suitable - it was a wonderful bag and all - just didn't have an accessible side pocket for Mouse's puzzle books ... and we all know how much she enjoys doing those puzzles.

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