Monday, May 12, 2014


Yippee! Saturday! And time to go to the Pistol Club with Syl again. We were there a bit earlier today - and on the range and ready to start shooting soon after 9am. We can't start before 9 because of the neighbouring houses - there have apparently been complaints over the years about the noise from the Club - which would be a while since it has been in operation since 1963.

Both Syl and I enjoyed it again - and I think we both did better than we had last week - not that we're supposed to be shooting better - just being safer at this point. Yes, today was another lesson in safely handling firearms and having safety in forefront of mind on the range. We did a refresher on the ground we covered last week, as well as practicising "Stop" and "Unload" and/or "Start". The good news was that because we weren't the novices this week, we didn't have to sweep up and collect all the spent shells - the group that followed us got to do that.

Sooz was up and showered by the time I phoned home. She didn't go to Deep Water Running with M - she had a lie-in instead. And that was a good idea because it was quite a late night last night - thanks to House Rules - but it may have even been a bit later if we had watched Eurovision.

We met up with Syl and An at Southport Park for a coffee and what turned out to be lunch. It was good to catch up with An - and she is planning to bring Syl with her to Trivia this week. That will be fun - and even though we will be seven in the team (if both St and Ni come) - and will have two points deducted on our score for the game - hopefully that won't be an issue.

Tinka's bloods are back and her insulin has been increased again. And she is on drops for an ear infection - which M has now shown us how to apply as it is quite different from humans and dogs!

I should have had a nap this afternoon but I didn't - my own fault - so by the time Eurovision rolled around, I was already ready for bed ... but I managed to stay awake for most of the 15 semi-finalists - and I was definitely awake in time for the "Australian" segment. There is something quite special about the Eurovision - I've thought so ever since Sooz made me watch it on the "mobile home entertainment system" (in black and white) when we first started going out 24 years ago. The staging for this year's was totally amazing - based on a cube. Even though they did some very close shots and then switched to or from a wide shot - you couldn't see a camera ... but hopefully the performers could because were looking at the right camera at the right time ... all quite intriguing.

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